Monday, March 1, 2021

1.1 - What Is Church History?


This lesson provides a working definition of church history and gives three reasons why studying the history of this influence is worthwhile:

  1. It humbles us.
  2. It gives us hope.
  3. It grounds us in our identity as Kingdom citizens.
Key Quotes
  • "No fact of history is more amazing than that Jesus' influence spread at all." (Kenneth Scott Latourette)
  • "The spread of Jesus' influence has been like the tide. Like the tide it has moved forward in waves. Each major wave has been followed by a major recession. But each major wave has set a new high-water mark and each major recession has been less pronounced than its predecessor." (Kenneth Scott Latourette)
  • "If you don't know your history, you don't know where you're coming from." (Bob Marley)

Reflection Questions
  1. What difference does it make to frame church history as "the spread of Jesus' influence" rather than "the spread of Christianity" or "the spread of the church"? 
  2. In the article linked to above, Latourette asks, "Do patterns exist in history?" What would a Christian answer to this question be?
  3. How is the study of church history personally meaningful to you?
Further Reading

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